I just spent an obscene amount of time on a post, only to have it lost because Blogger was "experiencing difficulties" and I'm an idiot and didn't save it.
Short version:
Orangina-Doing two sides at once. Like the pattern, like the yarn. Wish I could knit faster. Worried about this one being too small.

Somewhat Cowl-So far, so good. Using Jo Sharp DK Wool-may end up being too itchy which would be a huge bummer. Only about 3 inches in so far. Color is really a grape-purple. I love it, but it looks more blue in the photo.

Triathlon of Terror training is going ok. Ran 1.5 miles and walked the rest my first time out. Ran 2.25 miles last time I worked out and had to walk the rest because my knee was killing me. I could have gone further, but didn't want to risk an injury. Will start swimming and biking on Monday. Only 3 weeks to go! I'm sloooooow, but I'll be able to finish which is the important thing to me.
Saw these shoes at Target the other day:

3.5-4 inch heels, red patent leather with peep toes. I love them. Slightly Frederick's of Hollywood, but I'm hoping I can pull them off without looking like I should be in a nice homemade-type movie *wink wink*
Going camping solo with the kiddos this weekend (Flyguy has to work). Should be lots of fun! Off to pick up Mini Me at a party, then off to a neighbor's for Friday Night Cocktails. Have a safe Memorial Day!
********HEY! LOOKIE! MY LOST POST IS BELOW!!!!!*************************