I'm going solo tomorrow.
Flyguy has to work all weekend, so I traded cars with him and I'm hooking up the trailer and going camping with the kids. Not completely alone, my brother will be there with his boat and his ginormous dogs. My parents will be there with their RV. But I'm doing the trailer thing alone.
Now, I'm a pretty independent type of girl. Flyguy works out of town, sometimes out of the country, 3-5 days per week. I love my alone time. I like knowing that I can handle anything that comes along. Because, you know, nothing goes wrong until he leaves town. Right after we moved far, far away from home and bought our first place, we replaced all the carpets. He leaves me, newly pregnant, with brand spanking new carpets and no furniture for three days. The first night he was gone the pipes burst in the condo next door and flooded our home. It was December. There was a lot of snow outside. It was cold and not very fun, although extremely funny later.
Another time, right after he left town for 9 days straight, my three year old got the flu, then my newborn, and finally, horribly, I got it. This was not just the flu. It was the dizzy, barf everytime you moved more than a pinky, can't keep anything down including water type of flu. It went on for three days before I could eat crackers-just crackers-without gagging. Imagine caring for two kids who are also barfing during all of this.
Anyway, I like the fact that I can change a tire, check the oil, and clear out clogged pipes. I mow the lawn when he's gone, fix broken bikes, etc. That's why it came as a huge surprise to me when Mini Me was shocked and extremely concerned about my ability to handle this camping thing. She started drilling me about everything-from what I was going to pack to where I'd park the trailer to load it up at the house. "Well, maybe you should put it in the driveway, Mom. That way you aren't in the MIDDLE of the ROAD". (Our driveway is just long enough for our cars).
So I wonder: When did I become the poster girl for ineptitude? When exactly was my Capable Mom card turned in for the Helpless Female card? It wasn't until I was well into teenage angst that I figured out my mom was maybe not the authority on *all* subjects. Does it start at the age of 6, now? This questioning of Mom's abilities? How do I make it stop?? I'm supposed to be all-knowing for at least a few more years. I'm sure of it.
For my kids this weekend may be all about the smores, the water, the dirt, and the joy of sleeping under the stars. For me it's about proving to my kids (without screaming like some crazy woman that "I'M CAPABLE, DAMNIT!!") that Mom isn't a total schmuck. I hope that they look back at times like this and have some sense of pride in their old mom-that I didn't *have* to have Dad along. That I am a strong, smart person who can do what I put my mind to. It sure is nice to have the companion/help/trailer-parker extraordinaire, but not necessary. And my daughter needs to see that she never, ever has to wait for a man to come along in order to experience life.
So, away we go this weekend. Wish us luck (and sunshine).
In knitting, I am plugging away on Orangina:

I love this pattern, and the yarn is great. After frogging a too-large version, however, I am concerned that this may be too small. I'm doing the front and back at the same time, which was sooo slooooow at first but seems to be going faster now.
I also started the Somewhat Cowl for the same knitalong (Sexy Knitter's Club):

So far, so good. I'm only about 3 inches into it, but it's going pretty well. I'm using Jo Sharp DK wool (I may be sorry) in a very purple color that isn't showing up well in the photo. Hopefully it isn't too scratchy-the yarn seems pretty stiff while I'm knitting. I'll be wearing a tank of some sort under the sweater, and I'm hoping it will be ok.
Training for the Triathlon of Terror is going slow. I started off running three miles in 43 minutes-oh so pathetic. I actually only ran 1.5 miles and walked the rest. Last time I ran (before the lasagna feast last night, which I'm sure was *not* part of any training regimen) I ran 2.25 miles and walked the rest. My legs feel good and I probably could have done the whole thing, but my knee was hurting so bad I had to stop. I start swimming on Monday, and I'm biking Monday, also.
Last but not least, I found the BEST shoes at Target last week. I have no clue whatsoever what I will wear them with. I'm still trying to decide if they are couture-chic or Frederick's of Hollywood-cheap. Either way, they have made their way into my closet and may only be pulled out for Halloween. I love them all the same :)

Red patent leather...mmmm.
You can't see the heel height well, but they are in the neighborhood of 4 inches. Maybe 3.5. Love them!
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