Something wrong in Sockville
I started the cable rib socks from IK's Favorite Socks book (which I love. Not one pattern I wouldn't make.)
But, hm. Something is off.
I turn the heel, and yes indeed! The cables don't do the neat swoopy thing they do in the photo! Argh! I turn it this way and that, and I think that maybe, just maybe, the cable directions are backwards! I've checked errata for the book, and this pattern isn't listed. Hm.
Here is a photo of my sock (on my hand. Perhaps not the best model, and absolutely not the best lighting.)
And here is the picture in the book. Note the cool way the cables loop to form the rib in the heel (if you can see with my poor photo skills).... :) perhaps it would be best if you looked at your own copy of the book ;) You wouldn't believe all the attempts to get a usable photo. I suck.
So, I'm ripping the sock and starting over. Or, I may rip it and try Bayerische by Eunny instead :)
Tree Jacket is nearly complete. I'm working on the arms now, and trying to decide to do more decreasing than what's written.