Into Summer!
Well, what a bad blogger I've been.
Camping was a bust-the weather was really yucky all during Memorial. We just went for a picnic instead.
The Triathlon is done, and Flyguy did a spectacular job.
This is him immediately after finishing. This is the "I cannot believe you are taking my picture right now" pose. But he's hot even with all the sweat :)
I just did the 5k run, but I am excited to train for the swim and bike. The run killed my knee and I remembered why I hate pounding the pavement. I won't be doing that portion again. Friends B and R both had very impressive times, as did the hubbies.This is Robin, Becky, and me. Not our best looks, but this is also after the race.
We went camping for four days recently, and had a great time! We can't wait to get out again, and we are already plotting which campground will get the opportunity to host my delightful, yet somewhat loud and usually covered in dirt children. Or my maybe sometimes drunk friends.
I took my knitting (three projects, even) and didn't do ONE STITCH. Flyguy left on a three day trip, plus two day relocation, so I have 4-5 lovely days to sit back, relax, (plan a birthday party, laundry from camping, grocery shop, clean house, keep lawn from dying in record temps, insure new car, readjust budget to pay for new car, get ready for dinner party on Friday night.....) and knit. I've done one row on my Somewhat Cowl, one 4-row lace pattern on my Orangina, and about 2.5 inches on some socks. I'm anxious to finish something so I can post it on my curiously knit-project-free knitting blog.
Happy summer days, I'm out to sit in the sun and watch the kids in the sprinkler!
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